Oloruntoba Timothy Atte

Oloruntoba Timothy Atte is a member and Arbitration Attorney/Adviser of the Lagos Court of Arbitration in Nigeria, an international centre for arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution. A member of the Royal Family in Aiyetoro Gbedde Kingdom (Nigeria), his doctoral studies have included the fields of Law, Government and Business.

In education, he has served as visiting professor for Babcock University, Nigeria, and as an Auxiliary Chancellor for Norwich University, Vermont, USA. He has held further representative positions in international business and is an Accredited Analyst for OPEC in Austria and the World Petroleum Council in the UK. He is Former Chairman (Oil & Gas and Energy Partnerships and International Relations and Partnerships) of the Port Harcourt Chambers of Commerce Industry Mines & Agriculture (Nigeria).

In his capacity as Executive Vice President of the Spanish Nigerian Association for Trade & Industrial Development (SNCIDA) he has been partnered with European-American University since 2014.

He is a Fellow of the African Business School (Nigeria), Institute of Fraud Examiners (Nigeria) and International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (USA).

Professor Atte has also developed significant interests in Natural and Complementary Medicine, specifically Naturopathy and Osteopathy, in which fields he holds a number of professional credentials and licenses.

He received an honorary doctorate in recognition of his career achievements from European-American University in 2015.